Research Management Office

Vision-Mission Statement
We, the Research Management Office of Saint Louis College of the City of San Fernando, La Union envisions competent leaders and scholarly researchers by providing innovative shepherding of research endeavors responsive to the needs of the disciplines, the institution and society.
- Devises a research development program of the institution.
- Promotes and develop the research skills of the academic and non-academic personnel as well as students.
- Establishes linkages with other academic institutions as well as government and non-government agencies relative research and development endeavors.
- Assists in the preparation of short-term and long-term development programs of the school.
- Conducts institutional researches on students profile, drop-outs, promotion and the like; as well as along thrusts and programs of the school.
- Encourages all members of the academic community to engage actively in research projects.
- Coordinates all research activities and provide avenues for the dissemination of research output such as through journals and forums.
- Provides consultation and assistance to faculty and student researches.
Research Agenda (2014 - 2017)
Policy- oriented researches (Institutional)
- Extent of realization of the school's philosophy (goals, objectives, core values)
- Efficacy of institutional processes (management, instruction, research, extension, publication, student leadership, Christian discipleship) in the development of quality human capital
- Governance and/or management policies and practices; Human resources development and/or personnel management
- Effectiveness of employees' participation in institutional thrusts (extension, research, Christian discipleship/ leadership; JPIC)
- Effects of organization development interventions in organization identity and performance
- Physical plant and facilities in relation to the delivery of quality education: a basis for policy and program programs
- Energy conservation and efficiency/ Energy Audit
- Students' leadership/governance and delivery of student services; impact/effectiveness of services rendered by support offices
- Relevance and effectiveness of admission and retention policies and practices
- Academic-socio-economic-cultural-religious profile of students as basis for development programs
- Effectiveness of scholarship programs
- Effectiveness of guidance programs and services
- Development and effectiveness of instructional materials
- Employees' ICT utilization
- Efficacy of infrastructure/ administrative support for ICT
- Development and effectiveness of ICT tools for program and project monitoring and evaluation
- Development and efficacy of ICT-driven curriculum/instructional devices
- Efficacy of instructional policy on the various disciplines
- Impact of intervention programs to promote learning
- Competence/Performance of students in various courses as basis for curriculum enrichment
- Innovations in educational management; ex: internationalization of courses/ subjects; Initiatives for ASEAN Integration
- Research/Communication/Critical Thinking/Problem-solvingCompetence of graduating students enrolled in board programs
- Best practices in student teaching, office practicum, on-the-job training programs
- Impact/Effectiveness of Academe-Industry Partnership/Linkages
- Performance of students in licensure exams/ national assessment/ achievement tests
- Graduate tracer studies; employability of graduates; market relevance and effectiveness of curricular programs
- Transforming thesis and dissertation to refereed journal publication
- Reference Citation in Undergraduate researches
- Predictors of research performance of senior students of Engineering, etc.
- Effectiveness of approaches to pedagogy in language/math/ science, etc.
- Utilization of Research, Extension, and Publication in Instruction.
Action Researches
Those that involve experimentation on new teaching techniques/ devices, solving problems on students' low performance and/or inactive participation, indifferent attitude to learning, poor classroom interaction, etc.
Extension-Oriented Researches
- Barangay/Community/Household needs assessment as basis for extension project proposals
- Impact/Effectiveness of specific extension/community-based projects on the implementers and beneficiary client-partner community
Ethnographic Researches
Those concerned with explaining or describing a phenomenon holistically using multiple data collection techniques.
- Those that by their very nature defy simple quantification (ex.: the interaction of students and teachers in classroom discussion)
- Those that can best be understood in a natural (as opposed to artificial) setting (ex.: the behavior of students at a school event)
- Those that involve the study of individual or group activities over time (such as the changes that occur in the attitudes of at-risk students as they participate in a specially designed, year-long, reading program)
- Those involving the study of the roles that educators play, and the behavior associated with these roles (for example, the behavior of classroom teachers, coaches, staff, and other school personnel as they fulfill their various roles and how such behavior changes over time)
- Those that involve the study of the activities and behavior of groups as a unit (classes, athletic teams, academic departments, work teams, administrative units, and other groups such as altar servers, catechists, Torch/Newsette/Saringit staff, varsity team, chorale, dance troupe, marching band, rondalla, student council, theatre ensemble, etc.)
- Those involving the study of formal organizations in their totality (schools, school districts, school systems)
Research with Linkages
- Partnership with the regional line agencies, local government units, non -government organizations in program governance
- Workable and effective LGU/NGO partnership systems: case studies/ best practices
- Effectiveness of participation of NGOs/POs in planning and special projects
- Best practices in managing small and medium scale enterprises; impact of microfinancing on poverty alleviation
- Effectiveness of community-based management programs
- Capability of SLC as a provider of para-legal services pro bono
- Capability of SLC as an adult education center for micro, small, and medium scale enterprises.
- Human rights-based ordinance tracking; impact on human rights education
- Efficacy of SLC as a Center for Human Rights Education
- Efficacy of SLC as a Center of Excellence for Teacher Education (COE) and as Center of Teacher Training Institution (COTTI)
- Impact of 4Ps on the status of education, health, and nutrition of beneficiaries
- Green architecture and engineering; design development of climate-change responsive structures (houses/buildings, roads, seawalls, pylons/towers, and bridges); rainwater harvesting design for residential and office buildings
- Community mobilization on climate change, health and sanitation, energy conservation and disaster mitigation.
- Ecology and bioinformatics; bioassays; taxonomy and conservation of flora and fauna in partner-client barangays/ shallow waters off La Union;
- Environmental management assessment
- Biodiversity vulnerability to climate change; Salt-water intrusion
- in agricultural lands and water table/aquifer
- Wetlands/marshlands, sea grasses as carbon sink
- Disaster risk and mitigation studies (flooding, erosion, landslides; tsunami, sea surges, seismicity profiles)
- Commodity/product/process development and improvement; technology transfer and commercialization of ethnic food, local fruits, handicraft
- Cultivation and propagation of Exotic fruit trees and ornamental plants, cut-flowers
- Other researchable topics from priority areas identified by CHED, NEDA, DepEd, DOST, CHR, DSWD, DENR, DSWD, DPWH, ICIERD, and R1HRDC.